
Friday 30 June 2023

Trampolining and Gymnastics with SEND active

 We had a brilliant time trying to improve our gymnastics skills, we especially enjoyed going on the trampolines and using the bars.

Tuesday 27 June 2023

WW2 evacuation experience Beaumanor Hall

 We had an exciting time finding out what it would have been like for children in WW2. We were sent to a big house in the country where we were told a family would come and collect us, this we decided would have been scary. We went into an old classroom, made ID cards and learnt about rationing with a visit to a 1940's shop. In a disguised cottage we learnt about code breakers and had a go listening to sounds and translating (with some success) the messages. At lunch We had our rationed lunch of a sandwich, honey biscuit and apple or carrot, we also tried pickled onions, ginger beer, dandelion and burdock or cloudy lemonade. In the afternoon we heard the air raid siren and were rushed to the shelter. In the shelter it was cold and dark, we listened to a recording of an air raid to experience what it was like, the lights flashed on and off, light outside was like fire and the sound of bomb falling was very frightening. We had a GREAT  time but were pleased to be going home.

Friday 16 June 2023

Deaf Explorers Dance

This week we have been joined by Deaf Explorers. They are a group of deaf and hearing dancers who go into schools in the West Midlands and work with deaf and hearing children to produce a dance performance linked to technology. They have worked all week with a group of 15 children from both the HRB and mainstream classes. 
All KS2 children were lucky enough to participate in a dance workshop from the group and watch the final performance. 
All the children have had a fantastic time here are some of their comments...

I liked learning the hand dance and picked it up quickly, the adults were really helpful in helping us to learn quickly. L

I liked learning the arm movements. Z

I liked when we were dancing, I liked all of it. L

Its 10/10 no infinity out of 10. Z

Amazing!!! C

Wonderful! Beautiful acting, cool dancing. A

I'm nervous but I like it a lot. D

Really cool. I find it creative, staff are really nice for making it all up and letting us make some up and showing us. K

They're good. Warren is especially fun, they are the best dancers I've ever seen. A

Great!! Awesome!! A

I like it all 100%. L

Really good and fun. E

Really good, I like it I like to get to know them and talk to them and creating the dance. L

Its really good, I love all of it. L

It is pretty good, I like it and rate it 10/10. N

Fantastic!! Z